Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cambodia - Vietnam summary

These past 2 weeks have been a real roller coaster ride. Visiting the neighboring countries has been an experience, not one that's only full of rosy days and charming moments. Nevertheless, it was all good.

From being totally awestruck at Angkor, food poisoning caused by an iced coffee to nauseated moments along bumpy roads.. Siem Reap gave me a visit never to forget.

Phnom Penh was a surprise. Nicely boxed city with phoneless phone booths, Tuol Seng left the biggest impact on my whole visit. A city advancing to the future, but still tied down by the present and past.

Cheaters' wonderland, Hanoi. Hanoians are born to cheat, it's so in their nature to be pleasant takes an extra mile. I believe they're not all bad, it's just the majority who due to poverty are willing to negotiate the heavenly kingdom (or nirvana for some) with present cash. The late papa Ho's last real estate was a rather unique encounter but the highlight of the trip was to be there in December with summer clothes. The cold was unbearable for me, but with decent recently purchased attire, I was able to eat 'pho' (Vietnamese noodles) by the road side without being turned into popsicle.

And of course, I'm now blogging from my beloved Bangkok, shopping heaven No. 2 in the world. (No idea where shopping heaven No. 1 is!)

Good times, great tastes. Holidaying's always the best.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why does looking at old photos with rich memories make me feel so sad? Why the tears? Why not laughter? Why no glimpse of even a single smile? Why such pain?

When did everything start to get so complicated? Why can't I let go off things that are meant to be stored away, belonging to the past?

If only I could turn back time, just for one more glance.. a final hug, another kiss goodbye..

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I can't believe Jerome's finishing his Form 5 already. He's sitting for his SPM with Meh and the rest of his bunchies. I hope he does well. 6 years ago was my turn of SPM. Right after that were parties, my long visit to Philippines and the start of my life (in a way). Many things ended as well but many other doors opened for me.

Life has always treated me well. This year has been crucial in terms of losing loved ones, but everything else's pretty fine.

I stopped studying. It will get very difficult trying to explain to others why I did - I was very depressed. I don't expect others to understand, but am glad my family's taking it very well.

Will need to look for a proper job soon. Well, after the trips.

Recent write ups

It's been a whole freaking year and he's still in my dreams. I don't know if I should categorise them as nightmares or sweet dreams.. it's just horribly disturbing. I need to get out of this place, it's driving me nuts.

Which I am. No, I'm not nuts, I'm just getting out of this place for a few weeks off. This year has been psychotic - I wonder how I got through it at all! Will be heading to Siem Reap, Cambodia on the 5th with Pin. On the 9th she'll be heading back but I'll be heading to Phnom Penh for 2 days before flying through Bangkok to Hanoi, Vietnam. Will be in Vietnam for another 4 nights before staying a week in Thailand. Am still considering to visit places like Ayutthya and the outskirts of Bangkok.

Flying back to KL on the 22nd, I will rest for a day - go accompany DaXing to get his tatoo and celebrate his birthday before heading to Singapore with Boo for 4 days and 3 nights (2 nights in the train!!).

Am excited, and am rather ready to fly!

Monday, November 20, 2006

I might not be sure that tomorrow may be filled with laughter, but I am definitely sure that I'd be happier than today or yesterday.
I should have stoppped all these misery last year when it would have hurt less and I would feel less ashamed. Withdrawing from SEGi has been the toughest thing I had to do for so many years. Their once 'Best Student' is now a shamed dropout. Gawd.

If I had left last year, I would have had a year of working experience. Damn greed. Why was I so impatient to finish it all up? With or without a degree, my skills in Photography wouldn't be affected anyway.

I can't go on feeling so unhappy about life. I need to get really busy. Days seem to be so lonely without common peers. Just's right. I can't hangout with juniors all the time, forever. I have to let them go. Their lives are different from mine now.

It's not all in vain. I had so many years of fun and joy in MSC. It was all good. It just had to end on a bit of a sourish note. My friends and peers have long left. I just regret not leaving earlier.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Life is so damn short. I should stop pretending to care for those that I don't and stop hating those I love.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can't wait for Saturday to come. Am heading to my colleague's place for a full swing bbq. Full swing = will get to meet everyone's everyone. :)

And come Sunday, will be off to Malacca. Gawd.. I really need this break. This would be the first real break since all the emotional breakdowns. Too bad I can't redeem my 2 days 1 night stay voucher during Raya.. well, I guess I'll just use it next weekend. I just want a rest. I just want to sleep in a nice air con hotel room and let my emotions cool with the air.

Perhaps I'd feel better after all the holidays I'm going to get.

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's just so damn easy to ask me to let go. Try feeling all these emotions and then ask me to let go.

I wish I could write like Just. I know she writes for a living but she just expresses her grief so well.

If only I could curl up in a corner and cry my tomorrows away.
A very nice person passed away a few days ago. We had very good times, and we had bad ones as well. I will accept the punishment to live a life of regret for the after days that were.. not so nice.

I should have trusted more, demanded for an explanation or something.. I should have reached out, reached over and offered a hug, perhaps. But I did not and it's really too late now.

I've watched movies and read stories of all these sad scenes, not knowing that our friendship would end up like this. Despite burying myself in grief, I am also to bear the heartaches of a farewell unsaid, apologies unspoken - so many things undone. Guilt is one so hard to swallow and it blends so painfully with grief.

My tears will never be enough to show you how bad it feels and how sorry I am. After death, everything's just too late. All the unanswered 'WHYs' and 'IF ONLYs'. We could have done so much but we let you go. Oh, fuck the others. I should have stayed but I chose to leave. Backs turned, memories stored.. I let it rot, thinking it had already gone bad. I had forgotten all those good days and that particular time you chose to stay when the others closed me out.

Your heart was not evil but I chose to see it black.

I thought it was too painful to stay with you and watch you live life your way, whatever that may be but leaving has caused more self-inflicted pain on myself.

Why didn't I tell you how much I loved you and stayed back to wait for you while you went for a little spin? You would eventually come back anyway. But I didn't, and it's all too late.
Why doesn't this horrible - farked up year just end?

Why can't my heart stop bleeding and normal tears start pouring?

Why can't everything just be alright again? Is this all part of the growing up shit we have to go through? To hell with growing up then. I hate all these shitty acceptance theories about life and death, about cycles of life and the whole mess.

I just want things to feel right. Is that just too much to ask? 2 deaths in one year's just asking too much. Fuck reality, fuck you who made all these happened.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm feeling so restless. I need a freaking break. Why do holidays seem so hard to come by? So scarce and in need. What's happening to my life? Why the drastic change? Who am I changing to be? I - don't - want - to - age. Well, at least I don't want to change my state of mind! * sigh
Argh fuck. My darling Dell's software has corrupted and now more money and more work is to be thrown into restoration. * sigh. Why all these complications? I just want to listen to some music, finish my freaking assignments and watch DVDs. Damn!
Life has been a bit jumbled up. I wake up at 9 and the next thing I know, I'm on LDP heading to the office. The morning ends with lunch break for an hour or less and work continues till between 5 - 8 pm, depending on how much workload is.. or depending on how desperate I am for money.

I can't say I don't like my work.. it's pretty fun, occasionally. It's just a bit of a bum to need to work with an identity as a student - furthermore I'm working full time. * sigh

Everytime I dwell on the annoyance of working, I hear mommy echoing her thoughts and dad's last year - telling me it's okay if I not work for the family will put me through college. But things are different now, that's something I need to accept.

I know I'm sucking in my studies, but I get so tired at the end of the day. I just wish this degree would sweep by me.

I must not let my dreams die. I must one day live my photographer's life. I will not end up stuck in an office. I must hold on to my precious dreams of a smashing future ahead. I must, I must, I must.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Don't cry Vicky. He'll feel bad he's not around too wipe your tears away.
I destroy those I love and those who love me back. I'm a pathethic destroyer.

Updates and some blabs.

I've been away from blogging for awhile. My life has been interesting but not too wholesome. And no, there are things I would choose not to blog about. Readers might turn to Prozac for help.

Well, I changed jobs. I'm now back at Continuum, my old company - as an admin staff. Company distributes engineering pumps and blowers. I like my colleagues a lot, and they like me too. So all's well.

During the initial days of work back at my old office, I would come into the office and my past would come floating back as I carry out familiar old chores. Everyone's a puffer and the scent of my office is one unforgettable scent. This old scent brings back memories of joy and sadness. Often enough I brush away sad thoughts. I arranged some pictures of friends and family at my work table. A sense of staying here for a bit longer than I did previously. I miss my past.

There are days when I work a bit later than my 10 - 4 office schedule. Days like today tire me to the bones.. and at times I just want to cry and wonder why I have to get up so early to slog throughout the day. And the answer's apparent. I need to be strong, to put myself through the bloody degree I detest so that my future will be a much more stable and presentable reality.

Oh daddy I miss you so.

There I go again. * sigh

My days seem so long and so short it's hard to describe. And my housemate has been missing for 2 weeks. I've never wanted to see her so much before. I just wish she's okay.

I need a break. I want a holiday. Sepang was great yesterday. Kite flying and the company I had. Sweet.

I've got so much on my mind it scares me. I don't need more white hair.

I miss home but going back's too big a pressure. I hate meetings with old friends and relatives. It's alright to be still be studying if I'm putting myself through this bloody degree. Pls slow down on the criticism you bitches.

I'm starting to sound bitter. I should end this blog now.

Will write when I feel better.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Save the teacher

The kids are killing me. On Tuesday the 8 year olds' teacher was absent so I took over her class. The kids almost killed me.. Well, yesterday and today.. I had to leave my precious wide-eyed 2-4 year old class to teach the 6 year olds as their teacher has chicken pox! And gawd.. this has to go on for another week... I thought teaching at a kindy would mean teaching kids, I didn't realise I signed up to teach little monsters.
A few days ago, I saw a flying BMW at the highway. Well, I saw a dead black dog before I saw the flying BMW..

And yesterday, I saw a red motorbike flying with the rider and he turned round and round as he landed onto the main road. The shitty thing about this flying incident was that he rammed into my inheritence - my almost flawless Kancil. And now the hassle has begun.


Monday, July 24, 2006

The anchor's gone and our ship has started to set sail to a undetermined destination.

2 cycles old

If a cycle was 12 years, I would be 2 cycles old. I'm just thinking of creative ways to state my age without sounding too old for my liking. As a kindy teacher, people hardly buy the 'I'm just 18' white lie. So.. I'm 2 cycles old.

Kacuak gave me a smashing birthday celebration by throwing a bbq for me at his house. It was awesome. The food was great, great people were there.. and we had a .. GREAT time.. :) Well, too bad some barbaric fool (his housemate) had to throw his tantarums after not being invited. Gee, like I know him? Anyway, Caryn-Pin-ChengXin+YiShan gave me another surprise by handing me a homemade box with my pics and name and birthday wishes on it. Inside the box were 4 eggs with cute Jap display miniature toys inside. :) And I so wanted those when I saw them at Sg. Wang!!! :) Ertie and Ah Wah dropped by. Zhen, Sharon, Clare, Joevie and Fadhile were there too. Sunshine decided to give face for once as well! Kelvin gave me mooncakes. He was nice enough to come by after finishing a job in Penang. Mac, Natasha and Patrick dropped by at the end. It was a wonderful night. And I enjoyed myself tremendously.

The kids didn't kill me on my birthday though they were as usual very rowdy. Sean Lau celebrated his 6th birthday and had a Spiderman cake. I really didn't want to feel jealous but I did. Gee. I want a Snoopy cake man. The jelly sugary thing forming the cartoons are always yummy.

I picked the bunch up and headed to my place for lunch. Didn't cook, just packed stuff. That evening I met sunshine up for dinner at LaBodega. It was yummy, the HUGE burger but I was a bit scared of the huge-sized mushrooms.

We went to Asia Cafe after that and waited like crazy for S'ze, Arthur, Sharon, Clare and Justine to come. Just finally showed up almost near 12 midnight with the cake. The cake, with words that said 'Sorry the rest is gone' had the words tell the story. The cake was incomplete, interesting.. but incomplete. And extremely yummy.

The day ended horribly though as I got pissed, and cried my eyeballs out to Chengxin and Pin - don't ask why.. At least I didn't cry during my birthday la.

I love birthdays but I hate getting old. But this year's was pretty good. Weird, but pretty good.
It's easy to not think bout sad stuff now that I'm working. Being a kindy teacher can be both extremely tiring and fun. But I like kids, so I'm still alright. Not really been to college nor meeting up with a lot of people. I still can't sob my eye balls out and get my emotional arteries unblocked. Nevertheless, life has been in a way fruitful - weird yet interesting.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Updates!!! p.s. I got a job!!!

I'm really getting bored with the blog page. It looks horribly green with no pictures. I should start to rid my laziness for the sake of a better looking page.

It's good to be back. Damn good. Well, I still can't escape from reality. Coming back doesn't bring dad back to live.. nor does it hide the smacking fact, yet it's easier to deal with my emotions here then back home.

Hmm.. updates since coming back.

- I've been to college twice. Met up with lots and lots and lots of people that I've missed horribly! Had lunch with Kelvin - got his class to be dismissed due to over-yaking with Pin and ShuQin - had a tea break with the whole photo bunch - gave Jiah Ling many huge hugs - Caught up with Fiona on her updates - Met Peter and had a jiwang time, finding out that Aizat lost his dad too - Called to schedule for an interview

- Had a successful interview on Saturday. I will be a Kindy teacher for kids age 2 -4 starting July 17!

- Attended my coll's Community day. Had lots of fun and got some cheap stuff. Played games and met up with more people!

- Watched more DVDS and the whole Taiwan drama series of 'Green Forest, My Home'...

- Got a foot reflexology session AND a whole body massage complimentary of Sunshine!

- and had yumcha sessions and dinners and stuff..

I think that's all. :) Well, life's good. And it sure will get better. I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Changes of life. :)

Gee. I love talking. I've noticed it before but I am very certain I do now. I've met up with Bea on 3 different occasions during this trip back. It's enjoying to talk about all the things that happened for the past 4 years that we've not met up. And.. now that she's engaged, her wedding was top on the list for our conversations.

Planning a wedding can be so much fun but executing all the plans can be crucially exhausting. It was fun chatting about colour schemes, budget, types of wedding photography and stuff of that sort. It's still a bit hard to believe that my close friends are tying the knot. It just seems like yesterday when we were giggling over some silly issues or running around in our school uniforms - breaking school rules and planning night outs. In two years time, I'm pretty sure most of my hometown friends would be either married, engaged or at least in a stable relationship.

I am also pretty sure that I would still be dreaming about chasing giraffes and elephants in South Africa, backpacking all over Europe and checking out ideas about road trips around US and Canada, or even Australia.

The ironic thing about my friends and I, close our friendships may be, is the uniqueness of our differences. We grew up together, got similar education in primary and secondary school, breathe the same air - yet our lives turn out to be so different. I'm happy for them, and at the same time I miss those good old days when we were still young and carefree.

Life. :) Everything changes.

Hah. I'm still stuck with assignments. I wonder what's keeping me from doing anything.

Somehow, I feel sleepy everyday while I'm here. It could be the bed I'm not too used to, it could be the whole year's lack of sleep crashing down on me. I'm not just exhausted, I feel lethargic. And I sleep all the time.

The weather has been absurd. It rains at the most unsuitable times and remains humid the whole day long. Sweat's popping like popcorn.

On a more consoling note, I'll be finally going back on Thursday night. I know I will miss some of my friends here, and of course it's not easy leaving mom or Jane or other family members behind - but for now, I know where I belong. (And of course, I can finish up more assignments in KL.)

Meet ups

The 'best friend meet' two nights ago seemed pleasant enough but it ended rather abruptly around 9-ish due to personal business she had to settle. Oh well, at least we met and talked.


Meeting up with Karen last night brought a lot of fun conversation. We were talking about the past, the present and the future. Just like old times. I've not mentioned Karen here before. Well, Karen, in the briefest notes would be described as below:-

- she's different but not too different it scares you
- we yaked almost everyday before Karen's school bus picked her up in Form 2
- we realised we sat the same way while eating before Mr. Chan's tuition class
- we passed notes often enough through anyone and everyone
- she liked funny nail polish and tying my hair when I had long hair
- she used to enjoy cutting her hair short but she always regretted
- every new target seemed 'different'.. hmm..
- we made choc cakes both after PMR and SPM. the SPM one looked funny. :P
- we sang in choirs and the Sunset band, in concerts and during school masses
- oh yeah, she forced me to sing with her during school stuff as well.
- we became facilitators during Form 3 camp though we were just in Form 2!
- lots of camps, lots of caroling.. lots of YCS stuff
- I used to steal from her fridge with her approval (but not her parents', they didn't know!)
- one camp, I brought carot and cucumber from her fridge - :P

:) There were many great things we did. Stupid ones as well. But my memories are nicely enriched due to Karen and her presence in my life.

It's really good catching up with old friends.
(If they're not too slow, that is.)

Monday, July 03, 2006

I'm meeting with my best friend for a drink tonight. Gee. It has been a long time. I don't think any sort of best friends would not meet for years for even a casual one on one meet. But we have had whole lot of time apart, without contact.

Best friend. It's just a title, actually. It's just like I'm saying that I would be meeting the CEO or a director or the president of some kind of organisation. It would just be a title. A darn title. You can give that bloody title to someone and they would not perform what the title suggests. Well the situation's just like that.

I sound so bitter. Why? I don't feel that bitter...
I've never thought of myself as an activist of any sort but I was pretty sure that if I wanted things to be different, I'd fight for it. Succumbing to the steps of the people just never really became my thing. It could be, for awhile.. and then I'd wake up, realise that the world was sucking me in, and I'd shift my mental state towards the other direction.

However, when it comes to the test of blood running thicker than water, and the brush of sore emotions, it's so so hard not to stop and wonder why you'd care to fight at all.

Why fight when you can just let it be. Just let things be. Just not be different and just not care! Everything's so much easier that way, isn't it??
The annoying humidity is suffocating me. With that contributing fact and many artificial ones as well, I am swallowed into the depths of self-misery and self-torment. I don't know why but I am slowly letting the world get to me. I need to take off fast, before I let emotions rule my mind.
I can hear the darn clock ticking but my mind's not moving and I just don't care. I don't feel the urge, nor the strength.. to budge. I want to sleep all these events off until the airplane comes by to pick me up and send me back to the place where detaching all these unnecessary emo turmoil will release all the blockage I feel. Will I perform then?


I am obviously not elated. Well, I never expected myself to be happy so soon, anyway. Some incidents recent events could stir up tinges of amusement but I guess self-humouring is all I'm capable of.

I'm not crying my eyeballs out either. I'm not tearing up as much as I would want to.. but I'm sure I'll have ample space and time to do so once I get my butt back where it belongs.

Being home has ripped a few Ps off; personal space, privacy, personal time. Or perhaps I should say owning anything personal during this time round is a privilege and I'm not honoured with that.

I'm bottling up, feeling all choked up. I can hear ripping and gushing of guts and insides. It's not so torturous, no it isn't. As long as I can spit it out soon I'm sure I am all fine.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Just finishing a task for you, lil sis.

1. Vic
2. Victoria
3. Vicky

1. my goldfish eyes
2. my shoulders
3. my scars (well, it’s ON the body.. counts??)

1. the gerdoings.. :P ew.
2. my nose
3. my hair.. it’s not wavy, or straight, or curly.. it’s everything.

1. Chinese (my dad’s pure, my mom’s mostly)
2. Peranakan @ Nyonya (my mom’s ancestors...) – yeah, and that’s why I look Malay!!
3. Dutch (also from my mom’s side)

1. stupid people, especially stupid girls.
2. being cheated on
3. seeing anyone in pain

1. snakes.
2. accepting death – not my own, but of others
3. what I am capable of when I’m pissed.

1. The Prince who Turned Into a Frog ,a Taiwanese soap opera..
2. Queer As Folk, American bent series
3. oh well.. anything on Travel and Living

1. Not
2. A
3. Fan

1. Kue Rak Tae – “Forever Love”, by Seven
2. Moon River by someone..
3. The Prince who Turned Into a Frog album, practically.

1. Soul Plane.. :)
2. Anything Pixar.
3. Can’t think of anything else??

1. TFTF, Tokyo Drift
2. More Harry Potter movies! Yips.
3. Garfield??

1. My puffs.
2. Water. (and tea, actually.. but I’m banned.)
3. Sleep

1. Clothes.
2. Under clothes?
3. Accessories.

1. stability
2. good arguments
3. comfortable love. (I’m greedy, so I added both. J)

1. cute cheeks
2. comfy shoulders
3. an understanding character

1. postponing assignments
2. overpuffing
3. annoying people

1. shooting flowers :)
2. cooking for people (I hate preparations though..)
3. shopping!

1. travel
2. do my assignments?? But I’m a bum
3. puff la

1. photographer
2. run inns and resorts
3. tour guide!

1. Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. US
3. Okay.. I’m greedy.. all over ASIA!!!!!!!!! (and back to Thailand again!)

1. Let’s
2. Ignore
3. This???

1. walk the world
2. produce a big book with lots of flower pictures
3. have flower pics published in N.Geographic

1. I enjoy shopping
2. My mood swings with my hormones
3. I enjoy dressing up when I’m happy???

1. C
2. R
3. S

1. Just, if you would?
2. Well.. Meh, if you would too?
3. Haha. Ertie?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I'm emotionally paralysed when I'm at home but as soon as I'm with my friends, tears just start streaming, if I let them.

I've had very great friends help me through. One who brings me to the chill by the beach in the middle of the night.. and another who just keeps me sane enough, yet insane in my own way.

And of course I've got you, Sunshine. You've been all I could ever ask for.

It's a trying period now but I'm sure I'll be alright after a few more bawling sessions upon returning to KL. And for the time being, I'll just hang on and 'hang in there'.
Darn you blogger... It took me 2 days just to log in to blog! Gawd.. Passwords and usernames have never seem more confusing!!! Argh.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I had a dream 2 nights ago. I dreamt about my dad and that he was alright. Pretty thin, he was.. but alright and very happy. Still shaking his head, dancing to some nice tunes he hums.

I've been longing for dreams of him for the past week or so and finally had that wonderful dream at Bunan Gega - was away for a YCS mid year camp.

Despite bursting with happiness, I felt equally sad too. It's only in dreams now that I can see him and this realisation isn't easy at all. In my dream, daddy didn't say anything to me but I was holding his arm and he was happy.

I don't know how to console myself or to stay as strong as I should be and I don't know how long it will take to be really alright. I know the situation hasn't really sunk in but it sure is slowly sinking.

People ask if I'm alright and of course I reassure them that I am. The truth is I'm not even sure about what I feel anymore. Am I really alright? I really doubt that.

Friday, June 02, 2006

I've always renumbered my age to a mere number 18 but the recent days' events have indeed reminded me of my real age and also the responsibilities I should start to take at home.

Daddy leaving us out of a sudden (well.. we expected him to leave but not THAT soon..) has left a huge gap for the family and I have also realised that ertie alone cannot handle so many situations. Ah che, as usual, will not be handling any important part of the decision making and Jerome's a bit too young. There are just so many things to do, so many things to think about, plans to make, so many hearts to mend including my own.

This is definitely worse than a break up or getting ditched by someone emotionally. This is losing a loved one, my own father. Tears have long run out (well, haven't cried since yesterday's funeral mass) and fear has replaced much of the tears. I have to be strong but what event or what little life situation will eventually break the dam? When will we finally really move on? Will we ever?

I'm already missing him so much...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Goodbye Daddy. I will always love you.

Daddy left us at midnight today. He went off rather peacefully. We were crying but we wanted him to know that leaving us is actually the thing to do to stop all the suffering and we would never blame him for going off earlier than any of us.

He just slept away while we prayed around him and all the suffering ended then.

Daddy has always been a very responsible man and he never gave up fighting his sickness until the whole family told him that it was okay to give up fighting and let nature take its course. What we have and will have has always been taken care of by him, be it financially or emotionally.

No matter where he is, we will always love him just as he will always love us. May he rest in peace now.


For those in Kuching, funeral details are at Borneo Post or Guo Ji.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Not too good.

Mom woke me up this morning. She was calling to inform me about dad's condition. Well, it's not good at all, if you're wondering.

She told me that I have to be strong, and that the situation's not going well at all and that the docs are talking about lungs support machine (well dad and doc not too keen on the idea if anything bad happens.) and advancing the 2nd round of chemo as cancer cells are still detected and that if it's all bad, he will be sent home and put on morphin (correct spelling?) till the end of his time.

I'm still in KL and am on standby to fly back if things get worse. I've never felt more reluctant to go back ever. Going back would mean that situations are really bad. * sigh

I don't know how to feel at all. All I know is that situations are -not too good -

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Just feeling down.

I'm behind with my assignments again but at least I'm going for classes that are available. Am feeling down, down, down, buried right in the pits of depression.
But why?
There are not many reasons to be feeling this way and I'm so tired of creating excuses for myself about this situation already!
And writing here doesn't help anymore.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mad rush, mad everything. Coming home, going home.

This trip back home (Kuching) was really unexpected.

Was heading to Singapore by night train on April 23rd when I got a message informing me to be ready to head home anytime and to prepare for the worst. My day trip in Singapore on April 24th was a chaotic mixed- emotions mad rush that included a migraine and blacking out at an old istana's garden. I crashed the day's schedule visiting Little India, Kampung Glam and Chinatown in hot sun and under the rain. Practically visited the 3 main historical areas of Singapore. I prayed for the best for my dad, tried to expect for the worst and at the same time juggled a horrible migraine eating my mental state up. And I finally left Singapore in the evening.. what a day..

Arriving at KL Sentral, I rushed to Mas's office and got myself the earliest available flight out of KL back to Kuching. It was schedule at 4 in the evening so I rushed home and packed, got some college matters settled and headed to the airport. I wanted to keep calm and refrain from punching someone but everyone seemed to be making things harder and harder for me. The lady at the standby counter was bitchy and so was the guy at the ticketing counter. After a whole big mess and finding myself crying at the Business Class check in counter, I got someone's attention and an earlier ticket back home. *What a scene...

Came back and found Daddy horribly thin and tired but he smiled weakly at me. And the whole hospital - patient - walking on tiptoes scenario started.

Everyday I would faithfully serve my shift at the hospital, trying to entertain my dad in whatever way possible. It was really tough for him but he managed to fight through the lowest days. The docs put him on another chemo drug and it seems alright so far.

Coming back for these two weeks, I hurt myself twice: spraining my back and falling on my back + hurting my knee. Gee, I'm a potato. Everyday seemed like a running day and time has passed so fast I find myself preparing to go back to KL again. I can't delay my studies and I can't do any work here so I have to go back and do some work AND head back in mid June, again.

Well, this trip back made me realise how close my family actually is and how much I love every single member of the family including my dad's sisters. I also realised how lucky I am to be part of this family and how much everyone means to me. Daddy almost left us (even he said so, but he refuses to tell us what he actually saw and felt during the lowest days) but I guess God wanted him to spend a bit more time with us.. and I'm truly, truly thankful and glad for that.

p.s. Daddy was baptised on April 25, 2006 as 'Gerard Mark Ang Boon Chin' at the Sarawak General Hospital.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Nostalgic flashbacks - Part One

No. 1, USJ 2/2P

Raindrops falling on my face - an alternate alarm clock.
Late night yumcha sessions - walking past horribly dark alleys
Sudden outings - never had a properly planned one, everything.. spontaneous
Horrible endless assignments.. - yeah, I miss those now.

Super emo housemates:
Crazy Dennis and his psycho antics
Bubble and BeanBean
Mei Zhen who never cared about anything!
The suicidal S'ze2
CJ who needed help with maggi mee and drying bed sheets
Kiwi and his endless drifting games

Bbq pits that burst
Stolen food
Boxes as tables..
Flooded kitchen
Funggi toilet
House meetings!
Group gatherings in my room...

And so much more. Fate brought us together, 'destiny' tore us apart. Why so, no one knows. We lived together, we learnt together and we on our own ways..

I really want those days back. So much...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Red roses

I found out today that daddy's favourite flowers are red roses and that he used to give mom flowers before and after they got married. :)

For his wedding proposal, he only gave a single red rose. :) So guess what? He wants to buy mom 99 red roses now. :) Sweet, isn't it? * sigh

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Oh! Ouch...

It's bad enough I'm back in Kuching not for a holiday but due to daddy's condition. Had to beg MAS to put me on an earlier flight yesterday, and it was indeed a traumatic and dramatic experience.
* sigh

Daddy's condition is okay, not good but okay. They've put him on another chemo drug as the one he was on didn't help. Cancer's getting more aggressive. * sigh

And the saddest thing that happened to me today was that I was informed that I will NOT be nominated for the IYCS Asian Team (Term period: 2007 - 2009) as Malaysians have been involved with the Asian Team for too many terms already and it's time to give others a chance. I understand. As a sane and literate person, I do understand. But my heart is smashed broken, a dream of 11 years now nothing but ashes after a flaming fire. Ashes soaked with sewage liquid or something. I don't remember not wanting to be part of the team. It has been so long, that dream. And I was so close, so very very close to making it reality.

But it isn't my saying, is it? It's all up to God, the local movement and Asia. Everyone but me.
* sigh sigh sigh sigh - I really want to bawl now.

Why's everything going so, so wrong!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Love you, Mom.

For April 17th, 2006

I know things aren't easy now, for you and for the rest of us. And the mood of celebrating just isn't there.

I know you're most probably depressed and today, being your day, might not help at all.

I really wish things were alright, and I bet you wish the same, but things aren't really fine.

But I'm sure everything will turn out fine. No matter what, Mom, I hope your day was still 'OK'.

Happy Birthday Mommy. I love you so much.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

And they say that friendship lasts forever.

Gee. I always thought THAT was true. Until....

She left, deciding that what we had just wasn't enough for her.
He left to start his own family.
She left, returning home to her parental nest.
He left, forced to return to his 'family jail'.
He left, attending to the needs of his dear one.
She left, occupied with part time work and her studies.
She left, wandering to places far and near, meeting new friends and 'dear old' ones.
She left, too caught up with her own world.
He left, owing everyone a large debt (each).
She left, finding friends who are much more fun.
She left, getting herself attached and depressed with other stuff.
He left, when chatting he'll always say 'ttul'.
And finally she also left, getting a job that works forever.

And the ones that stay are either too young, too foreign or too far.

We were soul mates just last year. We now brush shoulders as strangers.
I may be around. But I may also 'just' be around, 'just' outside looking in. 'Just' sitting and smiling yet unfeeling.

And they say friendship lasts forever? - Bull-

Thursday, April 13, 2006

:) Bangga diri.

Something to boost my self- esteem. :)

p.s. I'm not the young mom!! :)

p.p.s.And 24's just a number. :) I'm 18, really.

To the man I love the most! :)

For April 10, 2006

Happy 64th Birthday Daddy! :)

I'm so sorry for not being able to make it back this year but I hope and pray that there will be many, many more birthdays to celebrate with you in the future.

Love you so much not being near you hurts.

Be good and eat your meals. :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A weekend at Singapore

Friday (April 7)

Left for Singapore from KL Sentral by train at 10.30 in the evening. Got a bunk. It was pretty tough climbing to the top bunk for the first time.

Had a long chat with Fiona (+ a few bites of puffs and tarts). Snoozed.

The sleep was pretty fine but waking up was a bit of a problem.

Saturday (April 8)

Getting off the bunk was a huge prob!!

Went to the loo at JB and had horrible coughing problems. Got back on the train and off again at Woodlands in Singapore. After getting our passports chopped and all, we went back to the train and headed to Singapore's KTM station.

Got a cab to Geylang (yeah I know it's a red light district, but I've been to Pattaya so Geylang's fine!!) and checked in after breakfast at some market area of the HDB flats. Ooo.. found out that prostitution houses here are indicated with red numbers for their house numbers! Surprisingly, breakfast only cost S$2/-!! For a slice of pork, 2 vege and rice. Drinks weren't that cheap though.

Checking in, I washed up before we headed to the Al-junied MRT station. Took a ride down to Bugis and headed for Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. The librarian in charge was pretty 'chuen' but there was a nice one.

Left for a walk and visited Sts. Peter's and Paul's. Walked a bit more and finally headed back to NAFA. Fiona was trying her best to finish up photostating her notes but the librarian who stayed back was sporting and all. She even walked us to the National Library and Victoria Street.

After a snack at Ms. Clarity's cafe, I realised how horrible my migraine was becoming. Managed to get a nap at some sofa at the ground floor. *phew.

While waiting for Fiona, I headed for a long walk alone and took some nice pictures. Walked till the Esplanade and back. I couldn't find the Stamford Raffles' Statue but without a map, I got back to the library in one piece. :)

Did a bit of shopping at Bugis Junction and had dinner at Bugis Street. Headed back to Geylang by taxi. Saw some rowdy men but all was fine. :)

Slept early. I'm so, so tired.

Sunday (April 9)

Practically crawled out of bed to get the day started. Got a cab to Katong area and started taking pictures from there all the way along Joo Chiat Rd. and reached Koon Seng Rd. Saw red triangles and mistaken that for a 'sign' of a prostitution house. :) Hopped on a bus after breakfast and headed to Lavender MRT station. Switched at City Hall, Dhoby Gaut and got off at China Town.

Met this really nice future tourist guide, Gideon, who shared a lot of stories with us. Walked from Pagoda Street, past Temple Street, along Trengganu Street and Smith Street, crossed South Bridge Road, up Ann Siang Hill, along Ann Siang Road, Club Street and finally stopped for a break at Don's at China Street. Ate the best shepherd's pie and chicken pie ever with cheese cake and choc fudge as dessert. YUM.

And then... we headed to Chin Chew Street, past Nankin Street, Hokkien Street and walked along Pekin Street, crossed the road (no idea what's the name le) to Market Street and past Malacca Street towards Chulia Street and finally reached Boat Quay.

Nice Salvador Dali statue greeted us. The view was nice. :) Took some pics and headed to Raffles MRT towards Somerset where we got off and made a HUGE FREAKING round up Emerald Hill and Carnind Hill. Gee. Getting on the taxi was like going to heaven. I was already too tired to talk properly.

Getting off at the National Library, I managed to get a bit of rest before mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral along Victoria Street. Was okay the mass, a bit weird though.

After mass, I made my 'pilgrimage' to the Merlion statue. Walking along Hill Street, I passed Good Shepherd's Church and the Fire Station. Walked towards a very cool looking bridge, past it and headed to see the Raffles Landing Site. Past some cool museum with a nice restaurant and human like black statues towards Victoria Theatre and Victoria Memorial. Gee, I didn't know I was so famous here. :P Took some pics of Raffles in black and headed towards the Merlion.

It was good seeing Singapore's infamous icon - the real thing - after seeing replicas, pictures, keychains, magnets (you name it) of it for years and years. :) Satisfied I headed to Raffles MRT. My legs were so sore and numb I could hardly move.

But I got off at Bugis and met Fiona at Bugis Junction and did some shopping with her, had dinner of McD's 'fan-tastic', took a bit more pics and finally headed back to the hotel.

Gawd.. my leg hurt so bad with blisters and sore muscles I wanted to bawl and go to sleep. But I took a shower, talked to Fiona a bit and only slept then.

Good day. I never knew I could walk so much. This beats the Malacca trip (the walking, I mean)..

I should seriously consider investing in a pair of sports shoes. :) My feet are starting to look horribly ugly with all the scars. :) Feels 'yeh' though.

Monday (April 10)

Hopped onto a taxi, went to the Singapore KTM station and headed home!!! Oh yeah, the KTM broke down for half an hour at Gemas (some forlorn place in between Johore and N9!!) Met a nice Sri Lankan family. Fiona's hubby brought us for 'lunch' at 5 at Bangsar. :)

And my trips with Fiona officially ended.

Very good trip. Very, very good. :)

Friday, March 31, 2006

I don't like feeling restless and not liking the current moment like how I feel now. Other than my degree and my dad's condition, I don't see why I need to worry about any other thing.

Perhaps I don't like going home to an empty house now and then.

Well, I could also point fingers to the fact that I've been travelling a bit too much and settling down at USJ again isn't all too rosy, the picture.

Or it might be because I'm pure lazy and am too lazy to do my assignments and am worried that my future will not be always as beautiful as my past.

Whatever it is, I wish I could have more determination to excel for my degree and let the God handle the rest of the happenings in my life.

Next class in another 27 minutes. And the college is almost empty already. I'm so bored.

For the love of you, Meh.

How many schools did I go to? (and am now going to????)
In detailed details.
St. Jude's Kindergarten. Kuching Kindergarten.
SRB Chung Hua Primary School No. 1
SMK Batu Lintang
SMB St. Teresa
MSC International College

And now SEGi College :)

Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
As the Chinese saying goes. I want to be the hero, but I turn out to be the bear. :)
Go figure out some English - Mandarin translation.
I am a last minute person, I admit. Always have been.

Was I the class ‘taiko’ (tai ka che) or the teacher’s pet?
In primary school, Mandarin teachers hate me and English teachers love me. Others, they somehow love me. (I made them.. :) )
In BL, occasionally I could be the tai ka che. If I couldn't, I just settled for the position of a teacher's pet. (Talk about dignity...)
In St3, I erm.. didn't give a damn.
In IBMS, I also couldn't care less.
In MSC, I again tried to be both the tai ka che and teacher's pet.
And now in SEGi.. erm, whatever le.. as long as I pass my 10 subjects OK. :)

Three subjects I enjoyed.
I only enjoyed studying in MSC. I hate education before that. Was OK with A Level Law but not as a subject to study for my exams.
Fav. subjects : everything Photography under Kelvin (can I count that as 1???) ; Presentation Skills ; Jolly's Drawing class (for F & G)

Three teachers that inspired me.
Ms. Lai
(I love them all very much.)

Just for a little moment.

* Iced coffee
* Nature music
* Internet access
* Unripe mango
* Food that make me cry
* Big vans
* Fresh seafood
* Issey Miyake
* White shirts
* Meditation
* Sony cameras
* Rice in the morning

Three degrees.
Why when everything is supposed to mean nothing am I still feeling something when I bump into you?

I sure do hope it was just some dust.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Back in USJ!

I woke up feeling a bit blur. Gee.. I'm home! :)

The trip was really good. No.. it wasn't just good, it was amazing. I really like it in Thailand. It would be really good to spend a few years there. People are different there. And the cost of living is much cheaper, which is good. They need English people to talk to the westerners. Maybe I should start learning Thai and work there one day. :)

I listened to the CD Bro. Siam gave me while unpacking and sorting things. Kinda miss everyone and everything. Felt a tinge of sadness but I know it's time to zap back to reality. I need to work hard this semester for my USQ studies.

Anyway, the results are out. I got an A for Communication and Scholarship and a C for Intro to
Journalism. My journalism really sucks. I think I should seriously consider dropping my journalism major and switch to PR. Well, will consider further le.

The whole Thailand trip feels like a dream. A very nice dream with a bit of downs here and then but a wonderful one nevertheless. :)

Am feeling a bit blur today. Hope all these cheesy feeling will leave soon le!

Last Days in Bangkok.

March 26, 06

Un got herself in a heated argument with her family. I know how she feels but I'm in no position to interfere so I just sat around feeling really uncomfy. Her dad finally sent us to church and we were a bit late.. :P

Finally I attended an English mass. It was pretty international as there were many people of different nationalities. Very comfy. The church is really beautiful and as flowers are cheap in Bangkok, the church was properly decorated with roses and other flowers. :) Beautiful. The 14 Stations of the Cross is somewhat like a carving on the wall.

Un's dad sent us to meet Bee at Thong Lo for lunch. We were supposed to meet at Emporium but the mob was to be held there later during the day so there were many securities.

Bee treated us for lunch at Zen. It was a very yummy meal of sashimi and sushi! Yumm.. Un went home to rest so Bee took me to Pratunam Centre. Pratunam is an area in Bangkok famous for clothes, bags and its kind. Thais will only shop at places like that for real shopping. Enjoyed buying a bit and later was sent back to Un's.

Called some friends to jiwang a bit with them saying my goodbyes and had a nap.

Un fought with her parents again. It might be growing up. It might also be hormones... * sigh Am so glad I'm pretty much past that stage.

Went to Bai Yoke I for dinner. Bai Yoke I was the tallest building in Bangkok 10 years ago. Had a buffet meal at Sky Lounge on the 43rd floor. It was awesome. The atmosphere was a bit tensed for awhile at first but everything was okay when Brother Siam graced us with his presence. :P

Got a bit of stuff from the pasar malam surrounding the building.

Brother Siam gave me 2 sets of 5 cds each complete with pictures of both camps and my trip from Day 1 - 16. He also gave me some songs we listened to in his car and from camp. The sweetest thing was that he printed some designs of the CDs for me.. it took effort. Was really touched and wanted to bawl but was controlled a bit.

It was fun, the dinner. I learnt from Bro. Siam that when observing the young ones, it's best to just Sit-See&Smile. I guess that's what animators in YCS should do.

Bro. Siam sent Un home and took a road out of Bangkok only to come back in to send Homme to the bus terminal. The situation was a bit tensed then but we got home fine, me and Ple.

Unpacked and packed things, getting ready for the next day. It was a huge ordeal. Chatted with Ple till I fell asleep.

March 27, 06

Woke up darn early to get ready to leave. Ple sent me to ACT and I met Mac and Shampoo there. Also met their photographer dad.

Left with Bro. Siam to Fr. Chalerm's office after that. Long drive, bad jam. Met Robert there after drinking iced coffee for the last time in Thailand for now.

Lunch was at Fuji Jap Restaurant somewhere in some Tesco Lotus. It was pretty quick but yummy. Had this sushi covered with Avocado fruit.

The drive to the airport was long and the jam was bad and I almost had a heart attack as I was so afraid I would be late. But I wasn't.

So I said goodbye to Bro. Siam and Robert. And walked into the boarding area alone. My flight was supposed to take off from Gate 21 but they changed us to Gate 72 which is in some forlorn area in the airport somewhere very far off. AND they delayed us by 2 good hours. Oh gosh. The only good thing about waiting at the airport is that I managed to find another Pepsi can with cool designs. I so wanted to kill someone but patience is my new technique to chill now. So I didn't.

We finally got into the plane and we finally took off and I was finally on the way back.

And then we landed at stupid LCCT which is a terminal of no system and weird people. I guess Dr. Jolly's right. When you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Monkeys work at LCCT. Gee. No one really speaks and they seem to try to make things really hard for everyone. Gosh, I really think that when you pay cheap air tickets, the people servicing you are so cheap they might not be educated at all.

The immigration officer stopped me and wanted to check my stuff so I let him. Nice thing was that I had lots of dirty clothes on top. Haha.


And so I'm back. Seeing Sunshine and Just was really great. I made a tornado mess of my little place but it's all good, I LOVE THE SHOPPING I GOT !!!

Yipee. New clothes, new a lot of things!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Teeny bit of a prob.

Well today was supposed to be fine and I was supposed to enjoy shopping. Left Sriracha early in the morning and reached the Brothers of St. Gabriel's HQ rather early.

Un arrived looking a bit distressed. Homme looked queasy and that was when everything started to go wrong. Tears were involved but Un asked me to go ahead with the rest (Ew, Mac, Tae and Homme). So I did.

We had breakfast.. everything was fine.
We used the taxi to Thong Lo BTS station. Still fine.
We used to BTS to Mo Chit. Still okay.

And then we reached Chatuchak Market.. the biggest market with almost people selling almost everything under the sun. Well, except for Tae, everyone seemed like they were running after the train. I felt awkward and pretty annoyed that I was always left behind when I wanted to see something (couldn't take pics at most stalls!!) but I had to wait for a long time when the others were buying things. Gee. Talking about hospitality, I felt zero amount of that then.

Was finally so frustrated I told the others I will take a walk by myself and meet up with them at 3. Walking alone, I felt a tiny bit lonely so I called Un. She was really pissed about them ditching me like that so she came to meet up with me and insisted on taking a stand for me.

It could be the weather, or it could be her mom but Un finally left with me in a taxi. We came back to her house, slept for a few hours and later went back by taxi to meet Bro. Siam to get my things from his car.

I told him the story and our conclusion is that children will always be children and we should let them settle their issues, not interfere. I am talking from the point of view as a young adult, not the kid I always seem to be. Well.. I honestly feel that the older ones should let the younger ones settle their shit and not butt in. But they did and so shit happened.

Came back to Un's.. had a good, yummy dinner cooked by her mom and here I am.

So I guess I left a bit of a scar here, no perfect record anymore. They could blame me for anything, it's not like I really care but it's just not comfy, the situation.

And I want to go home now. Starting to miss home terribly... :(

Chilling at Sriracha

March 24, 06

Nothing much happened today. I went out with the religious brothers for a meal at MK Restaurant and this time we had better quality food as their spending power is higher. Went to a shopping complex after that but I didn't buy anything. Spent time online and found out I got an A for my Communication and Scholarship subject but am still quite worried about my Introduction to Journalism as the current status mentioned is 'FNC - Fail or Not Complete'. Howerver, I find it absurd as I have passed all the assignments required and my overall grade should be a C (well, nothing to be proud of but at least I passed this stupid subject).

Had a huge bowl of noodle for dinner. The size I ordered for was Jumbo, which is the smallest size. Could only manage half a bowl. The other sizes are Super and Extra which looks totally too huge for me or for anyone I know. Maybe Sunshine is capable of eating Extra, though. :P Certainly not you, Just. :P

Watched Memoirs of a Geisha at the religious brothers' office and later went to bed pretty early.

Was a good day despite the mild activities involved. :)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thailand YCS National Camp

March 19, 06

Woke up very early and took a cab to Assumption College Thonburi's chapel for a mass, in Thai. I have never felt more impatient or unholy as I sat in church fidgeting through the priest's sermon that lasted a very long time. I guess it's the fact that I couldn't understand. Or perhaps it was his voice that made me want to fall asleep. After a horribly long 2 hours, the mass and everything else ended.

Went to the catechism room to help with some camp stuff. Ate lunch there and later went to Big C. Big C is Thailand's Giant. It's their local hypermarket. Bought some stuff, watched the others play bowling and finally went to the venue for the camp.

Napped and was awaken to eat dinner. Walked in the dark to a pretty far off stall by 7 Eleven. Did more work to help them get the camp ready and finally popped past midnight.

March 20, 06

Waking up at an inhuman hour to do so, I got ready to take pictures of vans and vans of students and animators arriving for the camp. I don't even know what happened, I just know the day went on and on and on and we had mass at a floating chapel. I was also asked to give a national report on YCS. Aduh. Like I'm capable of giving correct info!!! :P

Not too much happened, I slept very late though. :( I'm so tired...

March 21, 06

Had to wake up darn early again and they actually had morning exercise as part of the schedule. Had mass early and ate breakfast with some animators from the northern parts. Very nice people.

Went to Carrefour for lunch and then Thonburi Market for exposure trip. The ride there in a big tuk2 was pretty exciting. Had to stand up as there weren't any seats available and swayed around as the tuk2 drove around the turns. Took lots of pictures of flowers at the market!!! So nice. Blasting time. And I saw many little pets as well. :) Happy, happy. Bro. Siam came in his car and saved me from using public transport back. Had coconut water on the way back.

Rosary procession was okay but was pretty frustrated for awhile after that. About what, I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that 'too many photographers spoil the mood'. I don't really feel up to taking pictures le.

Due to mild depression and home sickness, I popped at 9.30. :) Bliss.

March 22, 06

I'm sure a lot happened but I'm also sure I couldn't understand any of the sessions. :P The nicest part of the day was in the evening when we had Taize. I really envy others who can pray for what they want. I guess it's because I can't. I know that my life and what happens next for me is entirely up to God's decision. I can't interfere with His plans but I'm also scared. Next year will be another turning point for me. The fear is there but I'm also pretty sure that He will not forsake me.

Game time was good. So was the liturgy of light and the 'blessing' session after. :) Was a touching one.

I slept pretty early. Before a lot of people, that is.

March 23, 06

The first half of the day swept by pretty fast. I wore my Baju Kurung as a sign of solidarity of Malaysia's YCS with Thailand's YCS - my presence as a Malaysian for their camp. The bishop who was supposed to say mass forgot to show up and so we had a very brief liturgy of the word and certificate presentation. The goodbye thing we had before that was pretty sad.

After awhile, the camp ended. Saying goodbyes to some was pretty tough but to some others it sort of felt like nothing. The worst things about this camp were the disgustingly flooded toilets and the heat. Ew.

Went to Fr. Chalerm's office to unload things and later proceeded to A.U in Bang Na. Took pictures with Tae while Bro. Siam snoozed in his car with my bear as his pillow.

Had seafood at Bang Saen after that. The seafood in Thailand is just amazing. Almost sobbed as I ate oysters, some crab, some fish, raw prawns and squids. Gosh... the taste, and the aroma. The spice!!! To top the meal up, I had a blasting huge glass of ice-cream. :) YUM.

Sent Tae home. Struggled to keep awake before reaching Assumption College Sriracha. Finally reached. Had to wash some clothes for tomorrow... Ergh.

Finally I slept. So, extremely, tired.

The little details of the days in Bangkok

I'm getting really lazy to update my blog with news as it's been a week since I last blogged! But here goes what I remember and feel should be told.. :P

March 17, 06

I woke up late feeling crummy and unwell. Was not able to sleep too well as Un's room was pretty hot and the shirt I was wearing just wasn't comfy for sleeping (or for anything le.. ). Was also having nightmares about going to the Grand Palace and denied entry. The dream repeated itself in multiple forms multiple times. * sigh

When I woke up Mac was already in the sitting room and everyone seemed to be waiting for me. Oh no. So I got ready and the next thing I knew we were boarding some 'gawd forsaken' bus that drove on and on, turning around and around. After a horribly long journey, we reached.

My heart beeped like an alarm but I walked confidently past the Thai citizen's gate into the grounds of the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and the Grand Palace. I just sipped on some water as I walked inside and no one questioned me as I looked Thai. So I got in free to these 2 places. :) Felt pretty good!!! And from what I know, the charges for foreigners aren't that cheap.
I'm so tired to find a proper adjective to describe the beauty of the places I visited that day. The Temple of the Reclining Buddha and its surrounding was just so beautiful and unique and special I guess English words can't describe its Siamese beauty. The Grand Palace was like all other palaces in this world but they added an extreme dosage of Siamese taste into it and used everything Thai as well. :) The temple of the Emerald Buddha is one of the most famous and most elegant temple in the whole of Thailand. The statue of the Emerald Buddha isn't too big but it's really green! :) And the other temples surrounding that particular temple make you feel poor as they glimmer in gold and all other beautiful chips. My shutter went crazy snapping as I took pictures of almost the entire metre of the area. :)

We had lunch at somewhere nearby, a pier of some sort. And later walked a bit here and there and finally took a ferry crossing to the Temple of Bells. :) I rang all the bells there and fed some fishes and birds. Took the ferry crossing again and then another taxi to... the FLOWER MARKET! Oh man.. the flowers in Bangkok are really f cheap. For a dozen or so roses it only costs 2 - 3 bucks. Gee. And almost every other flower was cheap. Seriously cheap. And beautiful. And so I went crazy again with my camera and we walked some more to many other temples, resting at Old Siam for Swensen's and finally to a giant swing. I don't really understand what the swing's for but it's a big huge red swing in the middle of nowhere. :)

Like what Mac said, Un seemed really hungry that day and so after walking a little distance we stopped at Mont (some shop since 1964) for fresh milk that they're famous for. And we walked to the Democracy Monument and some more and a little bit more and more and more and finally after a long walk found the shop Un wanted to buy mango and some special rice. (Oh no man.. I ate that in Summit's Thai Fair and I thought the whole Thailand was selling it not some little hole in the whole city!!!) But we finally got into the taxi and went back to Un's house.

After getting my bag I walked to the Lumphini MRT station and took a 8-stops ride to Sutthisan. Got off the MRT and confidently walked to Ruki's house. Alas I met Thai dogs after the sun set so they were a bit mean to me but was not snapped or anything. :) Lucky. Was also lucky enough to get a Thai girl to walk me to the door, protecting me from all the evil beings.

And so I followed Ruki's instruction and got into his apartment, settled in, took a shower, ate some snacks and watched Shawshank Redemption till he called and picked me up in a taxi with Rashid for dinner at Zap Station. Met up with Bee and Numhom. Had pretty good food and was full. Went back to his apartment.. chilled a bit and continued watching the movie. Popped quite late.

Best thing was that Sunshine called! Yipee!!!! :) Surprise, surprise!

March 18, 06

Woke up at Ruki's, got ready and left for MRT station. Was terrified of dog but they didn't run after me this time. Got onto a motorcycle and arrived in 1 piece at Sutthisan MRT station, proceeded to Sukhumvit on the MRT and switched to BTS to Siam and that was when I encountered a pervert who was either rubbing or shoving his parcel at my back. EW. I was so pissed by the train was so packed so what I did to retaliate was to shift around abruptly and knock him off guard. Gee, I so wanted to yell at him or box him or kick him or kill him!!! Stupid hamsup angmo guy! EW!

Other than that nothing too eventful happened and I chilled at Dunkin while waiting for the rest to arrive. Un came with her bro and later Mac. Un's bro left so the 3 of us walked to MBK (shopping complex) for lunch at Kanom Chine Bangkok. Had Thai Somen Noodle with Southern Style Chicken Curry. Very yummy. Ple joined us and we walked around.

Finally settled for a movie, 'My Boyfriend is Type B' at Siam Discovery Centre. The Thais stand in respect as the song for the King is played before the movie. Very semangat country. The Thais love their King.. but of course they do, he is very much to love. I love the reclining seats. Very nice. And the movie was very, very funny but the ending was too abrupt for me.

Went back to MBK after that and sang 1 song at the Karaoke. Joined Mac's sis, Shampoo, a fellow YCS member, Pong, and 2 of their friends. The Karaoke there looks more hi-tech than the ones in Malaysia. They have a computer monitor and mouse to control everything. Interesting.

Ex (outside school YCS) joined us and I went to look at some Pepsi collection at the lower ground floors. Marx and Raffy joined us and Ple came back from sending Un home. The younger ones left. Ate at MK Restaurant. It's steamboat but everything's pretty hi-tech and they take orders from PDAs. Was yummy. :) And I enjoyed.

After a fun day, it was time to say goodbye. Ple and I boarded the bus and chatted until I fell asleep. Half conscious I woke up to walk to take a motorcycle and finally reached Ple's condo. Packed and unpacked and finally popped but as Ple was working, it was not too comfortable a sleep.

My stay's still fun. :) Seeing lots of things I never knew existed. Tasting all sorts of yummy food and of course, going broke.. :P

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today's update from Bangkok.


Woke up at Un's house. :) Her cat was checking me out. :)

Waited for her for a pretty long time so entertained myself talking to everyone I could call but many were either busy working, at school or having some sort of meeting. :)

Ate lunch. Her mom's cooking's darn good eh. :) Gee, I'm smiling too much..

Took a taxi to Siam where lots of shopping complexes and shops are. Visited Paragon Siam. Met up with Toon and Bew there. Walked around and tried to control my spending. :)

Finally convinced everyone to let me use the skytrain Victory Monument alone. Boarded at National Stadium, switched lanes at Siam and ended up in Victory Monument's station. :) Was safe and in a solid piece. Walked a bit to Xavier's Hall to wait for Apple.

When she finally arrived, we took 2 rides back to her condo, a bus and taxi. Was sleeping in the bus but was interrupted by a very heart- warming call. More plans for the rest of my trip!

Packed and repacked before taking a taxi to Un's.

And so I'm at Un's now.. :)

Everything's still okay but ertie smsed and told me that Daddy's at his 4th stage of cancer. We're supposed to pray for 5 or more good years, she says. And so we will pray and be positive.

Chao Phraya River and its beauty


My day started from Apple's house. We took 2 buses to meet Mac and Un at Victory Monument. Ate some pork's blood soup noodle and after that took a taxi to Sathorn Pier. Took a tourist boat and traveled along Chao Phraya.

The wind was blowing, the waves slowly cruised us along the river as we viewed magnificent buildings with rich historical backgrounds. People hopped on and off the boat and we just enjoyed the ride till the last station. And the boat turned and we went back.

Got off at the Chinatown station and had a walk around a wholesale area. Bought some soft toys and very beautiful necklaces. I spent a bomb before I boarded the boat again. :) Was kinda like the light bulb for Mac and Un who seem to be interested in each other!

Getting off Sathorn Pier we boarded at BTS Sapharn (Bridge) Taksin and got off at Sala Daeng station. Used another train service, MRT at Si Lom station to Lumphini. The MRT service uses some sort of chip (like a coin) instead of a card. Getting in you place the coin chip to a censor and hold on to the coin till you reach the station you desire. There you drop the coin to exit. Mac was blur enough to drop his coin while censoring it. :P

Mac's a joke. He's a very nice boy. Was holding all my shopping goods for me all the way. He's a year younger than pampam. Un's pam's age but she seems very matured. They gave me a furry teddy bear! Surprised!!! Will leave the teddy in the car. :)

Reached Un's house. A comfy but very compressed 3 story house that looks somewhat like a shop but isn't. Met her mom, bro and uncle. Had dinner of tom yam kung (shrimps) and Chinese sausage. Yummy!!!

Walked around Suan Lom Night Market. A very interesting but commercialised area that was once the training base for the army. Very beautiful with lots of stuff ranging from modern Thai products to current trends. There were more tourists there than Thais!

Took a tuk tuk back to Un's house, refreshed myself with a shower and later popped to bed.

Everything's so fun here and the people are so great despite uncomfy feelings of sorts occasionally when jealousy of others about others occur.

I miss home, sure I do but for now I'll just let myself enjoy Thailand. :) Bliss.

Remembering the Late Ms. Lai

A year ago I lost someone really important to me. She was always the sweet one, the one that cracked jokes in class and the one who stood by the students especially the student council.

Losing her to death wasn't an easy thing to accept and adapt. Even though some of us have graduated after her death, she contributed much to nurturing us and preparing us for our finals.

She will always remain in our hearts, cherished forever.

March 15, 2005 was one of the toughest day MSC had to go through. The saddest thing was that it was also Peter's birthday.

Day In

Was a pig the whole day. Just slept and slept to replace all the days before this that I was either sick or not sleeping well. And it was great.

Apple cooked lunch and after that I slept till late.

Did a bit of shopping around Pinklao and later took another bus to Victory Monument. Did a bit more of shopping and used BTS (skytrain) to Nana station.

Met up with Ruki and his friend. Had a bit of a chat before going back..

Tiring day it was.

Thai YCS Key Leaders Camp

March 11 - 13, 2006

11.03.06 Set out from SriRacha early morning and reached Xavier's Hall in Bangkok (near Victory Monument) around 10-ish. Met new friends and set off to Siam Square for an exposure trip by sky train.

Key Leaders' Camp was held in Samphran's St. Joseph's Garden Home. The location is somewhat like a dorm area for church activities. I was totally blur throughout the camp but was lucky to have translators like Marx, Ew and Tiffany.

Food was always good. Ate lots of Thai food with extra chilly all the time. :) My flu has miraculously disappeared, thanks to my determination to force myself for trips. :) Am healthy and kicking.

Lots more new Thai friends. How we communicate is another very interesting tale to tell. :) Some speak a bit of English, some more than the other. Others do not speak at all. We use signs and actions. :) 'Actions really speak louder than words'.

Thai YCS are very creative with games and action songs. Am really impressed at the way the seniors passed on information to the new ones. I learnt that most of the seniors will not be around for the national camp that will be held next week and so they have to train the young ones asap.

12.03.06 I met 2 delegates that I actually got met 10 years ago during the 4th SEA Session. It is true that in YCS, goodbyes do not exist. It's always 'see you again'. Was fun chatting with Wat and Ew about the good old days.

To celebrate the success of this camp, we had a little party. Followed Bro. Siam and some other YCS members to Don Wai market. They are famous for their snacks and food. Took lots of pics and had a real good time even though it was really hot.

Had a little rosary procession from the grave to a shrine and later a liturgy of light. Somehow the little ceremony touched me tremendously. It meant so much singing the song 'All over YCS, we will let it shine' while lighting planting the candle to the centre with the main light. It is also very interesting to find Buddhist YCS members. I really wonder what they feel. Some tell me they enjoy being in YCS and they also enjoy the Christian activities YCS offers. Interesting.

Everyone pigged in and there was a roasted pig. Had fun just chilling with the group. Somehow it doesn't feel too bad not being a Thai. Sure I'm always blur as they chatter in Thai but at least they are friendly and go all out to try to make me feel alright.

Was really tired and fell asleep late.

13.03.06 The last day came and went and before I knew it the Key Leaders' Camp was over! I managed to learn a few Thai words from Tae who was so engrossed in teaching me his language that he was unaware that he was elected as the O.C of the national camp! :) So cute.

And everyone left and I did too. Visited Assumption College Thonburi that
Bro. Siam's stationed till the new semester starts. The school is so awesome. Not as widespread as Assumption College Sriracha but they have excellent facilities and American-school-like buildings. :) It's just beautiful.

Settled in Apple's condo and went to Pinklao for dinner and dessert at Swensen's. Shopped a bit at the night market and went home after that.

Rode on a taxi, bus and motorcycle all in one day. The experience was overwhelming. :) The motorcycle ride was smashing. Had my hair blowing in all directions. Memories of the 1st year in MSC came flooding back. And it was gone for the ride was over, just like all that has past.

And I'm still here. Living the life of a uni student in Bangkok. Life's okay and everything's really nice. And I'm well- fed and happy. :) What more could I want?

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Discovering Chon Buri

Day 10 of the 3rd Month of 2006

:) Rise and shine Vicky!!! And I waited for Bro. Siam like a bodoh at the Brother's garden. Very peaceful, very green.. :) Very nice. I guess I'll be very patient when I go back home, this trip's a real training!

Went around Assumption College Sri Racha (ACS). It is, of course, HUGE and they have their own bakery, kitchen, 4 boys' dorms, lots of classrooms, a dorm for the football team, a whole building for their school band, a gated kindergarten area (so the kids won't wander and get lost!), a herb garden, lots more buildings and their own Scout's campus with a golfing ground. Oh man.. and they're only kindergarten, primary and secondary education. School fee's RM 250 per month, RM1 k per year. For what they get, I'd say it's horribly cheap.

After a very long and restless drive, Bro. Siam and I reached Nong Nooch Tropical Garden. :) Good thing is he paid for everything except for my shopping!

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden has trees and flowers growing everywhere! Gorgeous they were of course. They also have a zoo, butterfly park and many other animals. Was totally impressed by the Thai Cultural Show. Thai people are so gentle but their culture's actually pretty aggressive! Lots of boxing and fighting during the show. The costumes of these dancers put those of SCV's to shame. They also have acting elephants. Cute!!!

The Thai Cultural Show was followed by an elephant show at the back of the theatre. The elephants in Thailand must be really smart or just very well- trained. They hold each others' tail and walk in circles, kick football, paint shirts and canvas, play basketball, and bowling.. and can dance according to the music! There's this particular elephant who head bangs with the music. CUTE!!! :)

After the shows we took the shuttle bus around the grounds and took pictures. Saw huge cactus, a fake stone henge, immense grounds of beautifully trimmed mazes and more European sculptures. I enjoyed taking pictures of flowers.. and everything else. One of the most impresive part was the pots arranged in the shape of an elephant, a butterfly, a 'tuk- tuk' and many more other stuff.

After 4 hours plus at the land of wonderment, we left Pattaya Tai and proceeded to a shopping complex of rejected branded stuff. Did a bit of shopping and lunched by the side of the road. Thai food has just got to be my favourite type of food: sweet cucumbers, spicy sauce, pork.. fried chicken.. walau eh.. heavenly.

Got my Thai number at IT mall. :) The whole Thai language barrier thing can be quite tough but am enjoying so far. After a short rest we went to the beach and to an island, Koh Loy (Floating Island). Happily shopped for souvenirs and watched Thai people enjoy life.

A nice body massage that costs half of what I pay for in KL welcomed many happy thoughts of this holiday and the days after. The 'ah poh' is really good at her job. :) Dinner was a pretty green one. Nevertheless, it was very yummy and happy. :)

I'm glad I'm in touch with home again and my holiday has been going really well. :)

Life's a bliss. :) I love Thailand!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back in Thailand.

9th day of March

After a pretty tough goodbye with Sunshine and Just, I walked into boarding area G only to find that it is the top floor of boarding area A. Gee, boring. Can't even sit on the aero train as my boarding area's not C. :(

Bumped into... Justin! Gee, haven't seen him for awhile though he's John's housemate. But erm.. crap le, haven't even seen John around. :P So we chatted, flight got delayed a bit, got into the plane together and 2 hour 15 minutes later arrived at Don Muang. Such a beautiful and LONG airport! The plane cruised past a golf course of some sort with flower covered trees and after a very long time reached Terminal 1. Collected my luggages and met Bro. Siam who's my host for this trip. Got into his very nice and comfy car and headed south to Bang Na.

Bang Na means a lot of paddy fields and it is also home for Assumption University (AU). AU is the best looking university probably in the whole Asia. Welcoming anyone that passes it is a Roman bridge. On the right lies the chapel with a lake with designed horses galloping in front of it. The chapel looks like something from a European mag! On the left lies another lake with real life geese chilling out by it. Driving around the campus we passed by archs with designs crafted around the edge and gorgeous paintings. And we finally reached the junction where the academic building separates the Cathedral of Learning front the roads leading to the dorms.
St. Michael's hall also has the overseas effect that gave me a numb dumb sort of feeling after a mere glimpse. I walked to the foot of the Cathedral of Learning and tried to contain myself from going hysterical. The very, very tall building is beautifully crafted to look like a cathedral but plays the role as classrooms to AU students. (* jealoussssssssssss) The basement of this building lies an arcade of shops to cater for the students needs be it for food or for entertainment. Semi circling the Cathedral of Learning is actually St. Michael's Hall. At the other side of the building where St. Michael's Hall does not circle is a Thai traditional architecture to welcome guest as important as the Royal family of Thailand. This place just makes me feel as though I've left Asia for some European country and am walking the grounds of a European university but then again, I wasn't.

The dorms: Queen of Sheba for girls, King Solomon for boys and King David for professors and lecturers lie in a U shape with King David's dorm as the one that separates the boys' and the girls' dorm. Next to the dorm lies tennis courts, more arcades with coffee houses and 7 Eleven, their own very huge stadium with up to date sports facilities and more historical statues. Separating Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's actually a basketball court and a museum that houses the works of students. Immense, beautiful, worldly recognised, hotel- like dorms, convenient facilities... well how much are the fees, I wondered. Not that much, I found out. Just about RM 30 k plus for a bachelors' degree. (My dip. and degree comes to a total of RM 50 k and I study at SEGi, gawdddd!!!) The room costs RM 350 per person with internet facilities, air con and most probably house keeping.

Note: Colleges back home should just sedar diri and improve themselves le OK? Stop giving us lousy facilities and demand our lives for them!

Feeling the pinch that colleges back home are cheating the students crazy.. I left university 'heaven' and we continued our journey to Sri Racha. Sri Racha is pronounced Si Rah Chah. The name Sri Racha means Honour the King or Majestic of the King, something like that. It was pretty dark when we arrived and I left my stuff in the room I was supposed to sleep at and picking another brother up, Brother Manit and 2 teachers Jacob and Praksit we headed to Pattaya Tai (South of Pattaya), the red light district of Chon Buri (City of Water), the province south of Bangkok. Passed by Pattaya Klang (Centre of Pattaya) and endless roads before we reached.

'Follow the red light and you find.. old white men with young service girls.' Gee. Pattaya is a modern, hip, americanised sex pit with more white people than Thais! The streets are splattered with endless pubs and stalls selling cut-throat priced items. Had dinner at Sizzler's of Royal City shopping complex.

Dinner was:-

1. Killing my diet
2. Extremely rich and yummy!!!
3. Lots of CHEESE!!
4. Buffet at the salad bar with a generous supply of cherry tomatoes, potatos, numerous types of salad, yummy desserts, cheese cheese and more cheese.. and many more. :)
5. Pork Ribs too sweet for me.

Life's a bliss. Went for a walk, took a few pictures of hamsup old men and young chicks flirting.. and headed back 'home'.

Never felt so alone before. No music, no movies, no sound. Entered my dorm for the night (it's air-conditioned, btw) and took a shower before I went to bed. The room's nice, just a tad lonely.

:) Can't believe I'm back in Thailand after 6 whole years!

Sawasdeekaa from Thailand!

Am safely in SiRacha, enjoying Thai air and all the good food. Will give updates real soon! :)

So, please be patient peeps.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tata to all for the time being. Will be away enjoying Thailand's breeze for 2 1/2 weeks.

Thanks to the parties who made this possible.

Kisses! :)

Back from Trip Three!

I got back last night around 8.30 pm. Trip three has been great and really tiring - a shorter one, 1 day and 1 night short - extremely 'damaging' for the trippers with very interesting discoveries. :)

Saturday, March 4

I left USJ with a bad cough and a nose running the track mill. The drive to Seremban was uneventful but Seremban was extremely damaging. Expecting a maximum of 2 long rows of shops to shoot, we found a huge fishbone with extras at the side. Determined I started and ended approximately over 2 hours later. Happy discovery - 2 nice graphics of the word 'chicken' and 'duck' in Mandarin! Fiona's mom was saying her goodbyes to the paper stuff for the dead. She's just hilarious le.

We wanted to head to K.Pilah but decided against it. Headed straight to Malacca and reached the land of wonderment. I love Malacca. This would be my 6th time in Malacca and I still love Malacca just as much. Checked into Baba House and started the shoot.

Here's a list to share! Things I saw that evening at Jonker Walk and Heeren St.
- A fireplace for pizza at Coconut House
- Aunty making O-chien (if you're doubting the meaning, ask Just.)
- Cute puppies posing for photo sessions - 2 bucks per session. :)
- Trinkets, toys, old stuff, books, Malaccan crafts
- Dim sum (grabbed some!) and man tao hotdog
- Suen Pun Zhi and Chai Kueh.. (Fiona did the grabbing), I just ate.. :)
- More food and more and more.. Sotong Bakar!
- Palm readers
- Lots of people of all color and smell. Eeeee...
- Cute bug magnets! (I got one for my fridge) and many, many wonderful things.

I'd like to share but my memory's pretty fried by the sun.

Had Nyonya food for dinner and that's what I call home-cooked food!

I hit the bed after a flu pill and listening to Chicken Little sing.

I love Malacca so much!

Sunday, March 5

Woke up late. Aduh. No one blamed me, flu's the excuse. :) Ate breakfast, bought some bus tickets for Fiona's mom and sis, got back, and started shooting. It was a really LONG and TIRING shoot and I got roasted and eventually burnt. Fiona bought some arm cover thingy to keep me from all these charcoal-ing activities.

Hoe Kee welcomed us with good food of chicken rice ball and assam fish head. YUM. Life is just SO beautiful when food is SO good! :) Shoot continued and the burning did too. Stopped at Jonker Dessert for Baba's Ice Kacang and Cendol. Oh sweet! I've never liked gula Melaka but this place made the consuming experience so overwhelming. :)

Sent Fiona's mom and sis off before heading to shoot at Alor Gajah. Coming back we headed to Tengkera Street where damage was really, really bad. Had to walk 2/3 of the whole long street. At least the sun wasn't scorching.

More Jonker Walk in the evening. And I must say, I love Malacca.

Ate Suen Pun Zhi again with chai kueh and onde onde in the hotel room. Was nice. And I knocked out early.

Monday, March 6

Good things about these trips.
1) Hotel Air Con
2) Nice hot showers
3) New Food, goooooood Food!
4) Seeing different people and things and not just pollution.
5) Our little discoveries.

Again I woke up feeling as though life should just end then and there. I LOVE snoozing in hotels but work had to be done. Breakfast was consumed fast and work began at Heeren. Was nice finding all the beautiful craft of ancient Chinese people in Malacca, decorating their houses and shops. Capturing history makes my role important and finding all these beautiful workmanship is all great. Unfortunately for me then, my bladder was also full and needed some space.

Dropped in a very ordinary looking kopitiam but found out it belonged to the President of the Peranakan Club. A true baba. :) We also visited Malaqa House and found very interesting work done by others who truly appreciate history and art.

Chilled @ Limau- limau savouring Dragon Fruit Lassi. Yum. Gulped fast and left for lunch. Ate @ Nancy's Kitchen - Pong Teh Pork & Popiah. :) Rushed back to the hotel, had a quick shower and proceeded to buy more pineapple tarts from Christina Ee.

After letting her ramble on and on promoting products and persuading us to buy more, we finally left for Jalan Bunga Raya, Jalan/ Lrg. Bukit Cina and Jalan Temenggong for more shots. Did accidentally stumble past some 'worth a few shots' buildings at Jalan Parameswara.

Discovered 2 REAL JEWELS at Jalan Bukit Cina. The terrace buildings had extreme decorations of food, flora and fauna splattered all over the front facades and the best thing was that they were properly preserved. They also had very cute figurines of Chinese people (from all hierarchy) and their activities and environment as decorations at the edge separating the roof from the walls. All these were glassed up and preserved. Had a blast taking those pictures. It was so different from the normal point and shoots (and get bored...) routines for these trips. I could admire the beauty of these buildings and learn some history as well. Finally left for Muar around early evening.

The 30+ kilometres were easily covered and we eventually drove past the border of Malacca Johore. Was greeted by a huge 'beca Muar' and some boys who hit on Fiona! :P Gee, I really wonder whether he has reached puberty.

Entering Muar, we were both shocked and amazed at the old shophouses that they had, that I had to cover before daylight leaves the little town by the river. Slaved really hard to cover the huge fishbone leaving the main street to be covered for tomorrow. Was extremely exhausted and burnt to feel much for dinner but had a good one anyway. Otak- otak in Muar is really different and yummy! Also ate fried oysters, kueh chap (that was a huge disappointment), 6 flavored soup (a dessert, actually..) and horrible chee cheong fan.

The hotel was OK - Riverview, but I think the 'club' that it owns is actually a brothel. :P After some Oscar and chit chat, I konked out.

Tuesday, March 7

Woke up, took pictures.. had a nice portion of roasted pork and char siew with curry gravy that only costs 2 bucks.. walked some more, more pictures... and we left Muar for Batu Pahat.

Batu Pahat didn't look great but had a big fishbone as well. The sun was scorching and I was getting really tired so when the shoot was done and Fiona bugged me when we made a turn into the housing area to get to the other part of the town looking for MarryBrown - I snapped back and said some mean things. Well, MarryBrown cheered me up and we gossiped bout college rumors bout seeing happy gay bunnies hop and other interesting stories. For awhile there I could forget about shooting shophouses and stupid one way streets for Batu Pahat.

The journey heading to Yong Peng's toll was filled with more stories to tell and we continued the story- telling even as we drove on the PLUS highway. After a very long time we reached Seremban and made a bad, bad trip to Kuala Pilah and back. Kuala Pilah had a bit to offer for the shoots but as it was getting dark we made our way back very soon after we reached.

Passing Seri Menanti, we just HAD to see the grand palace so we did. The little kampung road to Seri Menanti was a bit winding but we were amused by cows who ran by the car and little goats (or were they sheep??) who got freaked out when I pointed my camera at them!

I got to see the palace and I also offended a Seri Menanti kid who was blocking my shophouse view so he now appears in the picture looking blur. I wanted to ask him to move aside politely but my Malay words came out twisted and he looked even more blur after that. Gee.

Nice discovery was that N9 has Dragon Fruit plantations and dragon fruit plants look like cactus. Made the long way back to USJ after that, passing very horribly winding roads that almost made me puke and a pretty eerie highway. Lightning was flashing in the dark and it was raining but we made it back safely to a dry USJ.

So the trip ended and a very dried out Vicky came home to sleep that night.