Monday, July 03, 2006


I am obviously not elated. Well, I never expected myself to be happy so soon, anyway. Some incidents recent events could stir up tinges of amusement but I guess self-humouring is all I'm capable of.

I'm not crying my eyeballs out either. I'm not tearing up as much as I would want to.. but I'm sure I'll have ample space and time to do so once I get my butt back where it belongs.

Being home has ripped a few Ps off; personal space, privacy, personal time. Or perhaps I should say owning anything personal during this time round is a privilege and I'm not honoured with that.

I'm bottling up, feeling all choked up. I can hear ripping and gushing of guts and insides. It's not so torturous, no it isn't. As long as I can spit it out soon I'm sure I am all fine.

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