Friday, May 19, 2006

Not too good.

Mom woke me up this morning. She was calling to inform me about dad's condition. Well, it's not good at all, if you're wondering.

She told me that I have to be strong, and that the situation's not going well at all and that the docs are talking about lungs support machine (well dad and doc not too keen on the idea if anything bad happens.) and advancing the 2nd round of chemo as cancer cells are still detected and that if it's all bad, he will be sent home and put on morphin (correct spelling?) till the end of his time.

I'm still in KL and am on standby to fly back if things get worse. I've never felt more reluctant to go back ever. Going back would mean that situations are really bad. * sigh

I don't know how to feel at all. All I know is that situations are -not too good -


pervertism101 said...

Be strong girl. I know you got it in yourself.

With Love, Meh

Anonymous said...

morphine :)

You'll be fine. U won't die of crying, so let it all out. But don't forget to take care of yourself. You can't take care of another well if you can't take care of yourself first. (I always seems to remind that to people).