Monday, September 11, 2006

Updates and some blabs.

I've been away from blogging for awhile. My life has been interesting but not too wholesome. And no, there are things I would choose not to blog about. Readers might turn to Prozac for help.

Well, I changed jobs. I'm now back at Continuum, my old company - as an admin staff. Company distributes engineering pumps and blowers. I like my colleagues a lot, and they like me too. So all's well.

During the initial days of work back at my old office, I would come into the office and my past would come floating back as I carry out familiar old chores. Everyone's a puffer and the scent of my office is one unforgettable scent. This old scent brings back memories of joy and sadness. Often enough I brush away sad thoughts. I arranged some pictures of friends and family at my work table. A sense of staying here for a bit longer than I did previously. I miss my past.

There are days when I work a bit later than my 10 - 4 office schedule. Days like today tire me to the bones.. and at times I just want to cry and wonder why I have to get up so early to slog throughout the day. And the answer's apparent. I need to be strong, to put myself through the bloody degree I detest so that my future will be a much more stable and presentable reality.

Oh daddy I miss you so.

There I go again. * sigh

My days seem so long and so short it's hard to describe. And my housemate has been missing for 2 weeks. I've never wanted to see her so much before. I just wish she's okay.

I need a break. I want a holiday. Sepang was great yesterday. Kite flying and the company I had. Sweet.

I've got so much on my mind it scares me. I don't need more white hair.

I miss home but going back's too big a pressure. I hate meetings with old friends and relatives. It's alright to be still be studying if I'm putting myself through this bloody degree. Pls slow down on the criticism you bitches.

I'm starting to sound bitter. I should end this blog now.

Will write when I feel better.

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