Sunday, December 11, 2005

Building a Community That's Broken .. & lots more

For a church camp I was at for the whole week in the past, we were talking about building community through education in the light of faith - in short the theme is

While discussing all the hot topics of South East Asia regarding community and education + faith that's actually international, I was informed that my friends in KL are (as Just puts it) throwing shit that's hitting the fan. I guess it means bad stuff's happening there in KL. * sigh *

SEE (with all senses)

I see myself happy and making new friends from all over the South East Asia.
I see myself missing all the good old days in the movement and reminiscing of the past endlessly.
I hear myself laughing all the time.

And at the same time, at the other side of Malaysia

I read messages telling me that war has started at peninsular.
I hear bad news echoing from afar.

JUDGE (an on-going process part ONE)

(My Friends in KL)
I love my life in KL but it's getting a teeny bit too stressful for my liking. My friends are going crazy and only a tiny handful's worth caring for. Everyone's breaking the community in their very own way but nobody really knows what to actually do to solve the problems we can't even identify. Movies, potluck and drinks do not seem to be an option anymore. This is serious social war.

* What should I do? What can I do? Am I part of the problem?
* What are my friends thinking? Why are they doing this? Why's everyone moving away?

(My Involvement in the Movement)
I want to do more for the movement. I feel that my presence can contribute to the society and to the world indirectly. I want to be part of crowd that makes the world a better place. If sacrificing certain things in life helps improve my surroundings and the quality of life for others, that is a good thing, right?

* Should I commit to coordinating the movement in West Malaysia, and request for them to let me do so? Should I volunteer to certain authorities to join the Asian Team that's coming up soon?
* What would others think about me being involved like this? Would others mind? Would my presence be rejected due to my disappearance in the past years?

ACT (for now...)

I will commit to the plan to visit Thailand for 2 weeks for 2 of their camps next year.
I will also contact certain people to arrange for an informal coordinating involvement in the movement.

I will be there to advice my friends but not be involved in the hurting each other process. I will not give up on anyone, but not get emotionally attached to the situation.


Life hasn't seemed beautiful this year till this camp. Everything happens for a reason and I am yet to find out the reason for me joining this camp.. but I think I already do know why.


justine said...

I would like to point out something that is bound to make you roll your eyes..

The catalyst that started the shit-spewing machine hails not from KL.


The fan's clean now, either that or everyone's ignoring it.

Vicky said...

Intruder to the capital of the nation. We should have assasinated her.

I'm part of the media, it's okay to travel.