Monday, December 19, 2005

Trekking Trio?

Kelvin, Hubby (ChengXin) and I went in search for 'entertainment' today. We went to Putra Heights and found fun at a old quarry area where people now either dump rubbish or yucky soil. It was fun trekking past mud and getting sucked down by eeky stuff but it was better when we found the location for hubby's model to be shot at.

The grass grew tall but the surroundings are partially destroyed. Sad to see what humans can do to harm nature. We walked a really long way and had to find various ways to reach wherever good we spotted. Occasionally we would meet piles or little hills of mud or soil of some sort. The sun was scorching and the heat was bad but it was fun. :)

I got sun burnt again but it's worth it lar! :) Kelvin paid for lunch at Court 2. Great little outing!!!


justine said...

woi.. when i quit my job.. can have another outing? I miss my 2nd lou kong. :'(

Vicky said...

Your 2nd loukung's my papa??
We could have an outing IF I'm around lar. :)