Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The random 7

7 things that scare me:

1) snakes
2) parents but not my own
3) super commitment
4) losing my family and some friends
5) crossroads
6) news of death
7) losing

7 random facts about me:

1) I'm leaving for a holiday tomorrow
2) I don't like what I'm studying - Damn you Mass Comm
3) I'm considering to go 'home' after my degree? Or maybe not..
4) I'm sickly obssessed with school spirit.
5) I'm sun burnt again
6) My feet are badly hurt
7) I adore flowers and photography

7 things I hope to do before I die:

1) Get at least some pictures published in National Geographic
2) Walk the earth
3) Publish a book on flowers either just pictures or pictures and words
4) Build a nice home for myself in an ok condo somewhere
5) See snow
6) Live in at least 10 countries
7) Learn another 5 languages

7 things I can do:

1) Smile
2) Take pictures
3) Talk to strangers
4) Read maps and do some road mapping
5) Love
6) Nurture the sick??
7) Type fast

7 things that I like:

1) My boyfriend Nikon D70
2) My soft toys
3) My low cost rented apartment with a spoilt heater
4) Walking and taking pictures everywhere
5) Going on trips I define as 'fun'. My 'fun's weird.
6) Racing with QKX3110
7) Hangout with very good friends

7 things I just can’t live without:

1) People I love
2) Taking pictures
3) Flowers
4) My boyfriend Nikon D70
5) Fresh water
6) Communication Access
7) Happiness

7 people that should fill in this:

1) Meh?
2) Ertie?
3) Chimui Nic?
4) Ate B?
5) Sunshine!!!!!
6) Koon Poh - 'you know who you are...'
7) Blog stalkers!


Anonymous said...

i not doing stupid things like this!

Vicky said...

But... but, you must!!!

Anonymous said...

it's in there, hunny.

love, b