Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My VP intro in the 1st IC News of UPICA

Salam Sejahtera, Da Jia Hao and greetings to all my family members of the International Center. First, let me introduce myself. I am Victoria Jennifer Ang Ling Tze of Sarawak (Borneo), Malaysia. But, for short, just call me Vicky. It is my pleasure to be given a chance to be part of this I.C. family. For months and months I dreamed of that, and the day I was finally accepted into I.C. was one of the happiest days experienced.

I was once just a whacked photographer who wanted to walk the world taking pictures of flowers with Nikon. Yet somehow, with the realization of life, I am now a Social Work student trying to make sense of the realities I've discovered. @@

I enjoy dreaming about the impossible, and live life trying to achieve those dreams. With hope burning in my heart, I truly believe that FREEDOM, JUSTICE, PEACE and LOVE can and will prevail. I hope my presence and contribution in this world will somehow make it a better place. ^^*

I take pleasure in traveling and was blessed to be able to have done some backpacking trips around South East Asia. I love talking, meeting new people and making friends. I also love cooking and baking for people I care for.

I like taking long walks around campus, playing badminton and am passionate about issues related to our environment, child welfare and education (both formal and informal) and other social issues as well.

I feel that 'Life is like a piece of art, it's up to you to see its beauty.' Therefore, I'm trying to make the best out of this dance we call life.. ^^~~ Let's tango!!!

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