Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Nice Sleepover

After a sweaty day at F.R.I.M, a bunch of us made our way to Caryn's place for a sleepover. Dinner was late but it was yummy. Caryn's kakak cooked bak kut teh and curry for us. Oh yeah, kueh tiao too. Cockroach was telling us (again!!!!!!!!!!!) about the kueh tiao joke. Edmund looked cute and he was seated next to his No. 1 fan, Shwu Chyn. Opposite was Zi Pok, finally awake. I was seated next to my hubby of course. A fake hubby, that is - Cheng Xin, who was not coincidentally placed opposite Shwu Chyn, his ex wife. Beside me sat a huge, human sized insect - Cockroach and his dirty brain. Caryn sat at one end of the table with her No. 1 hubby, Sean, at the other end. Such a wonderful family dinner.

Malaysian Idol 2 was up next on TV. I was bored to death but seeing their happy faces I joined them to cheer for nobody. I do not like stars that I don't know. Steven, College Icon 05 is exceptional. I know him.

Pictures after pictures were taken at the lobby, the front porch, the swimming pool and practically everywhere else. It was fun to be a bit stupid. Okay, I was really stupid. I even helped Cockroach pose for his 'Nak Nak' 100% for smoking future campaign. :P

Oh. Quill was next on the schedule. We sat together in front of the TV set and cried our eyeballs out over some dog story. Hmm.. That was really emotional, okay?

And we finally slept. The girls in Caryn's room, and the guy's at her brother's.

Breakfast came and went, so did watching food shows. And we ate lunch a blink later. We're such pigs. We ate snacks after that. And then we left. I think Caryn's mom must think we're horrible, horrible influence to her. We eat so much and we're so special in our very own ways.

Confusion and lack of memory power makes someone write confusing posts. So forgive me.

I liked the sleepover very much though and I thought it was cool to hang out with people my age. :) I am afterall just 19 right? Hehe..

Sleepover at Caryn's took place on September 24th, 05. We obviously left the day after.

1 comment:

jiahling said...

horrible horrible influence? so true =P