Friday, October 14, 2005

Another End for Another Chapter

I usually write 'chapters' for crushes and infatuations. I do write about these feelings during the period of craziness and also after. These chapters are basically chapters of my life.. big ones and small ones.

Here's a new entry to end this chapter.

I've done enough damage to cause social havoc among people around me that I do care for. It's time to let this madness go. So much has happened within such a short period. Restating occurence and events would bring back unhappy memories and bad arguments. Better let all these be buried and never dig it up.

What kind of curvy am I anyway? I know I'm not 'halfway' but I go around having crushes on people for specific reasons. Isn't Rick good enough? I know no one's perfect and I guess I do know the reason. I'm greedy. I want everything to be perfect even though I know I myself am not.

So the mind games have stopped and the crush has almost totally faded away. Life is becoming a bit boring now but at least I'm not totally unhappy and going crazy. The 'victim' (otherwise once known as Prince Charming) can now live in peace. I will cause no further harm nor create future havocs and madness.

This marks the end of chapter XXX (I forgot the serial number for this chapter.. haven't been keeping track :P)


justine said...

Bad lesbian! Down girl!

Well I think you're not bi, just very confused (or fickle) with pretty bad taste. ;)

At least the objects of my affections are both damn chomel.

Sigh <3

justine said...

Oi i just noticed this:

"Life is becoming a bit boring now but at least I'm not totally unhappy and going crazy."

You mock my misery??

SuMmeR_Ra|n said...

so, tht's the end of DL1234? hmm... ok. say hi to ev1 for me~ :)

Vicky said...

Just, they're only 'comel' to you. Not for the rest of the world.

Cin, yeps... it's the end alright. No more DL1234