Friday, February 03, 2006

3rd day of CNY

My YCS friends came over - the old and some new. Went to Gie's and Syl's after that for a cheesecake fiesta. Headed to sick Glo's place and of course she had to describe how unwell she was feeling. Met Greenians at Allen's. Practically everyone had something to do so with the Rajit brothers we visited Nic. Wasn't feeling totally comfy after that due to some flirting stuff happening so I went home.

Picked my prized pig and headed to my sister's in law's place. Hung out for a jiffy.. Chen was telling me part of his life story. Went to Wan Ling's after that, was kinda confusing.. the scenario.

Jerome and I paid some bills and headed home. Nic came, relatives came, more people came and then I went out, I think..

Memories. The Memories last year burnt down, I found out. Had some fun fun conversation with Ryoko, Monica and Chen. Headed to Senso to meet up with Sharon but found the bunch there. Was forced to gulp some alcohol that made me feel queasy. I - don't - like - drinking. Ew. Nic came to save me and we chilled for awhile before he sent me home.

Needed to get some rest for the next day!!!

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