Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My, 'Oh So Big' Cupboard

I've always wanted my own cupboard. End of last year when I shifted to Ridzuan Condo, I got one. A big brown and white cupboard. Solid. Unique. 'Tahan lasak'. Or so I thought.

After months of using the cupboard, with my number of clothes slowly increasing, the metal bar fell for the first time. * sigh * I put it back up.

And then it dropped again. And again. And again. And I can continue this a few more times.

I shifted house once more. Having a little room for my albums, stationery and clothes.. I took some of the weight (clothes) off the bar, and folded them up. The door glided gently to close a cupboard full of clothes. Perfect. I now have a perfect cupboard storing 75% of my clothes. Nice.

No thuds. No bangs. Nothing.


I slid open the cupboard door. I found the bar dropping with my clothes hanging on to it, ruining my nicely folded clothes underneath. Oh fucking shit. The bar dropped AGAIN! With less weight on it.

And of course I asked myself why. Why the designer had to be so DUMB to design such a bad item. Big and sturdy it looked. Useless it is!!! It can't even stand minimum weight.


What am I going to do now? Design a new bar for the cupboard?

Or live life with clothes on hangers in a cupboard, left unhung?


justine said...


Get rid of your clothes.


Vicky said...

No way. :P

jiahling said...

er.. get rid of d cupboard n get a new one? =P

Vicky said...

Get rid of a cupboard that cost me a near 500 bucks, still considered new?? NO!!!!!

jiahling said...

well.. juz a friendly n logical suggestion... =)

or mebbe it's cos i hav too much $$$ =P

Vicky said...


Sorry for the overwhelming usage of caps, too 'kek tung'!!!

jiahling said...

boasting? mua?