Saturday, June 14, 2008

Harry is back.

Harry came back from Vietnam on Monday morning and we met up in the afternoon as it was a holiday. Yay! He made it. He traveled to 4 cities in 4 countries and came back in one piece! :) Congrats Sang Hyeok. I was really worried you would be kidnapped somewhere in SouthEast Asia. but then again, you survived Metro Manila for almost 6 months, and THAT is an achievement. Ah... 'dirf', it is.

I finally visited Mall of Asia. Somehow it didn't impress me the way I thought it would. But it was alright. That evening, Harry cooked me Korean noodles. I guess he should be cooking it the real Korean way. So it was a bit more delicious than the usual Korean instant noodles I am used to tasting. :)

We met up again on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. On Tuesday, Harry cooked his personal style of fried rice. I guess it was in a way, Korean style.. as he IS Korean, but then again the food I cook never seems to fit any categories of food in Malaysia. I guess what we're cooking is called the fusion personalised style of cooking.

It's really wonderful to hangout with him. He jokes about the craziest things, yet rationalise things the way a proper adult is supposed to. And the best thing of all is the feeling of having found your long lost best friend.

Harry has been joking about the prospects of me ending up with a Korean guy. He says that as I love KL so much.. K stands for Korean and L for Lover. Gawd, talk about corniness. I saw a guy wearing a 'I love HK' shirt and all I can think of is H for Hot and K for Korean. I'm influenced!

I hate to admit but there are times when I feel that the way my new best friend treats me seem to be so much better than how the last boyfriend treated me la. The effort he puts in for us to meet, the quality time we share by just talking about everything.. I am so blessed with great friends and Harry just adds on to the miraculous collection I have. Everywhere I go, I meet the best people (and occasionally the worst too). But it is those best people that I have helped me through, held my hand, wiped my tears, lent me a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear to just hear me out, great advice and show me what true friendship means.

I am lucky in the aspect of friends and there are times when I feel that with such great friends, it is not really important for me to find another half. Perhaps I shouldn't be thinking like that, but at times, I just can't help it. I know that my friends will (and some have, actually..) one day move on as our paths drift apart, yet I believe the true friendship just doesn't die there.

As Sun and Daxing puts it (it's some Chinese idiom le), 'In this world, there is no gathering that doesn't end'. All good things come to an end, I know. Wonderful friends will have to leave you, memories stored.. footsteps separate.

I am so not looking forward to the day when I have to bid my new bestfriend goodbye. I really don't want to, but soon I'll have to.

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