Friday, June 06, 2008

Class Registration - My Baptism of UP life

I'm 10 years too late, but I'm doing it anyway. I'm registering for subjects and running all around the university. Though tired to the bones I am, I'm not giving up. Late registration caused most of the subjects I wanted to enlist for to be out of slots or closed, but I still managed to sign up for creative writing and geography. English literature wasn't desired, but I took it for the sake of filling up credits for this semester as most of the maths, science and technology subjects are full.

Gawd. Imagine studying biology or geology for the first time? Kinda weird, it seems.. but that's what I'll be doing next semester and the following, believe it or not. :)

I've not walked so much for such a long time. Only during my travels do I walk so much. Even my hips are aching!

Orientation and classes start next Tuesday. Need to pay fees and continue on other things that I've not done then. Sigh.. still applying for dorm. I hope I get a space la!

Can't wait for my new life to start. It's getting close now! Oh well, actually it started already.

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