Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm home. But I'm feeling homesick, for my other home. It's so difficult to get by these sad and lonely nights, reminiscing the good old times in IC.. thinking what it would be like if I were still there.

I talked to Thilo just now, and somehow I wanted to cry so badly after I hung up. I miss him so much. Knowing that even if I go back, and I won't find him there, it just feels so wrong.

I cooked a dish for dinner just now, and when I smelt my hands that were stinking of onions, I couldn't help but wish he was here next to me.

Ya sure the world is not all that big, and that I could always resort to mental telepathy to talk to him, but it would be so much better if time could have stopped, and we could have both been in IC still, talking like there was no tomorrow.

Thilo Honig, you're truly missed...

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