Monday, March 17, 2008

Writings in the plane from Bali - Mar 12, 08

Let's face our fears before they tear us apart. To overcome fear, one needs to at least confront and accept that these fears exist. So what am I afraid of? Changes? But I crave for differences, for non monotonous life! So why am I complaining now? What's making me feel that all the changes in the future will be for the worse? Is it due to the fact that I have just made a huge step out of a long term relationship? And getting myself attached with a totally different other person? One whom I'm not sure if I can get used to when it comes to trust, long distance
and being faithful?

Whatever it is. It's good to live life to the fullest. It's just once, anyway. Even if I have my heart broken, it'll just be once, by one person. If I let someone hurt me twice, then I'll be horribly dumb. But till then, I wouldn't know the outcome of the situation unless I try, right? So let's just plunge all crazily into the depths of life. Everything will be okay. It's okay to not have stability for a moment or two as long as it's not permanent, alright?

Things will be fine, Vicky. You just need to have faith in God and yourself. Things will be perfectly well then. Amen.

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