Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I need help. I'm feeling so confused, so emotionally drained and so broken.

Am I destined to be alone? Why am I driving the ones I love far away when all I want is to be close to them?

I'm falling apart or am I falling IN and also at the same time OUT of love?

Am I just a victim of cupid's mad, twisted experiment?

Is this what you call fate? These emotional tortures and mind wrenches?

Why him? Why her?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some people would say it's cuz you're young, vicky. life won't always give you everything you want but if you just let it, it'll show you more than you could have dreamed of.

being with rick for i-don't-know-how-long doesn't mean you're destined to be together, even if that is what you both want now. some relationships are just meant to run their course and, once they're over, just stop going on. on the other hand, maybe this is just a tiny bump in the road for you.

whatever the case may be, there's still so much potential you haven't tapped in yourself. good friends and best friends and lovers and all, don't let people hold you back. c'mon. admit it. you must have thought this at least once in your life.