Friday, February 09, 2007

Entering the X world. Seriously.

Job hunting was a bit scary but I finally found a job. I was supposed to be hired for an Executive for Special Projects post but due to my overwhelming (ya, konon) experience in part time adminstrative works, they thought I was interviewing for an admin assistant post and hired me. Gee. I'm in a huge event management company with lots to learn, lots of promises but am doing admin for 6 probational months. After that period, they might consider me for projects. Dilemma's announcing it's arrival once more and am not entirely happy PLUS I have to commute 1 1/2 hours - minimum travelling time, mind you - a day. Is this worth it? Will I be happy at the end?

Well, who knows. This is fun, not knowing what will happen tomorrow. I should stick to it for now.

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