Sunday, July 25, 2010

I want to be less emo...

I know that it has never really been a HUGE problem for me that I'm so emo, but I guess of late, it's starting to take a toll on my relationships that I have. People just don't get me, and I don't expect them to, it's not easy to get someone who is so different inside and out.

I want to smile and pretend that I'm alright but I'm not. I'm emo.

And I want to be who I am, I want to stop pretending, but I'm just not that good an actress.

Being emo hasn't been totally bad for my life. I feel more, I'm more passionate, more in tune with nature and with life. I strive hard for relationships that I want to keep. I wake up knowing that God has been good to me, and therefore I should be good to the world too. But people just don't get it.

And I'm tired. I'm tired of explaining, tired of proving that I am not crazy. I'm tired of feeling all the unnecessary tiredness and I'm tired of playing pretend.

I am emo.
Call me crazy but I am, and it's not my problem, it's yours.

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