Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've realized certain things in the past few weeks. Despite having the midterms craze, I was having a very messy situation with my love life.

As facts are laid so clearly to show my functionality in relationships, I hardly function as a girlfriend. I screw up very easily, I hurt when I don't intend to and things are always just crazy. To make things worse, I fall in love with the wrong person over and over again.

Harsh friends have asked me to grow up, be matured.. but honestly, I don't know if I actually want to. It's fun to get into shit, it's just not fun to hurt someone else I guess.

But this time round, I'm f**ked. Situations are so impossible now, it's not that he doesn't love me or I don't love him, it's just not meant to be. How many wrongs before a final right? I shouldn't be complaining. Filipinos hate people complaining, so someone has said to me. If I can't fit in, I should just go home.

1 comment:

SuMmeR_Ra|n said...

dearie... i thnk the how many wrongs till u meet the right one question has only an answer.. it is when u hv fixed urself right with God then the right one will come along. why? only God can answer the mystical question of why though... Hehe!

matthew 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all shall be added unto u.

it's not going to be easy to digest this, but trust in the Lord who provides everything and in His faithfulness.

luv u lots, gal. God Bless!